

我很高兴向大家介绍我们在多元化方面取得的最新进展, 公平和包容(DEI)的倡议 季度报告这是我们新的DEI使命和目标的一部分 2020年8月通讯. 感谢正规博彩十大网站的众多学生, 教师, 使这些进步成为可能的工作人员和领导人.

我们的遴选委员会, 由院长Rae Matsumoto领导, worked tirelessly on finding and vetting a superb pool of candidates for Pacific’s inaugural Vice 总统 for 多样性、公平和包容 (VPDEI). We hope to make an announcement shortly now that the university community has had the opportunity to spend time with our three excellent finalists and provide feedback. 我很感激搜索队的出色工作. 当您有机会时,请感谢为我们服务的同事: 

  • 伊利莎·安德斯,副教务长 
  • Rhonda Bryant, associate vice president for student well-being/dean of students 
  • 马丁·坎普斯,太平洋学院教授 
  • 格莱娜·卡罗尔,77届,声音放大,校友代表 
  • Aquila Galgon,金融援助执行董事 
  • 劳拉·哈尔伯格,副院长,助理教授,贝纳德学院 
  • 兰迪·奥尔金,美国航空公司总裁 
  • 迈克尔·亨特·施瓦茨,麦乔治法学院院长 
  • Sacha Joseph-Mathews,埃伯哈特商学院副教授 
  • JuEun Lee,工程与计算机科学学院副教授 
  • Semaj Martin,学生代表 
  • 纳德·纳德沙希,院长,亚瑟·A. 杜戈尼牙科学院 
  • 伦纳德·佩里,男篮副总教练 
  • 戴德林·佩顿,心理学系行政助理 
  • Madhu Sundarrajan,健康科学学院助理教授

We now have in place a designated DEI leader in each of our schools and colleges: a fantastic mix of some of Pacific’s best and brightest. 这些领导者将与教师合作, staff and deans to drive DEI initiatives within their schools and will work closely with our new VPDEI on universitywide initiatives. 了解更多关于我们的DEI领导和他们最近的工作.

感谢你们的努力, we had an extraordinarily rich and rewarding Black 历史 Month (I personally found the evening with two members of the Exonerated 5 particularly powerful). 有很多太平洋人在上个月的正规博彩十大网站排名中发挥了作用, but I wanted to give special recognition to our leaders—Black 历史 Month Committee co-chairs Randall Ogans of 太平洋技术 and senior Semaj Martin. The committee partnered with many other leaders and organizations around the university, 包括Alpha Phi Omega, 美国土木工程师学会, 全国黑人工程师协会, 西班牙裔专业工程师协会, 女工程师学会, ASuop, 黑人学生会, 多元化周委员会, 民族研究和历史系, 跨文化学生的成功, McGeorge JD招生, 太平洋校友会, 太平洋艺术及讲座委员会, 太平洋技术, 大学多元化委员会, 平等与包容(UCDEI)和白大褂4黑人生活. 谢谢大家! 你可以在这里看到一些黑人历史月的活动 http://calendar.太平洋.edu/group/Blackhistorymonth.

人力资源部, 与UCDEI密切合作, has designed and distributed revised performance appraisal instruments to employee supervisors (on the Sacramento and Stockton campuses) that now include DEI assessments. 主管可以找到新的表格 under the Management Resources page under the Supervisors tab of insidePacific. 与此同时, 黛博拉·弗里曼, 平权行动和平等就业机会主任, delivered her second 季度报告 to Cabinet on how to measure and improve diversity in the Pacific workforce. The vice presidents also conducted a comprehensive review of each exit interview survey within their department in the past year and reported to the Cabinet.

The Pacific Board of Regents’ newly created Committee on Excellence has created a portal to share DEI resources with all regents. The committee also hosted a two-hour DEI training session and conversation with Carlton Brown, 萨凡纳州立大学和克拉克亚特兰大大学的前校长. Dr. Brown leads the Association of Governing Boards’ Justice, 多样性、公平和包容 Initiative. 与此同时, 摄政委员会, 与董事会主席诺曼·艾伦和我一起工作, 继续从代表性不足的群体中寻找潜在的新董事.

The Academic Council is working on a revised course evaluation instrument to measure DEI principles in classes and plans to work together with the new VPDEI to collaborate on DEI 教师 training.

一群学生, 教职员工, 由第九条协调员伊丽莎白·特雷纳领导, has nearly completed drafting a potential new university policy prohibiting identity-based harassment, 歧视和报复. 该草案将由大学政策咨询委员会审查. Upon completion of the review, it will be shared with the entire campus community for public comment.

安全 and Security Executive Director Grant Bedford met with the ASuop leadership on new DEI measures by the Department of Public 安全. The Department also has sponsored interactive workshops for employees that include cultural competence on crisis intervention, 降级, 健康和投诉过程, and will hold two upcoming community conversations on social justice and DEI within law enforcement.

The Office of Enrollment Management has committed to being a test-optional university for two years while the issue continues to be studied.

发展办公室报告了超过100美元,新设立的“提升每一个声音”奖学金已筹得总额达1万美元, 由董事会主席艾伦领导. 除了, 设立了新的奖学金,以增加学生的多样性, 其中包括346美元,为亚洲移民本科生提供6万美元, $100,在托马斯J. 朗药学院,50美元,000 for Hispanic students enrolled in the Eberhardt School of Business or the School of Engineering and Computer Science. SOECS also received $50,000 in new funding to enhance DEI initiatives for the school. 

在春季学期的前半段, 学生生活部举办了三个节目来纪念李博士. 马丁·路德·金. Friday Sessions for supporting first-generation students have addressed mental health, FAFSA和比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会的“第一代”小组. 与此同时, students who identify as members of specific identity communities have received personal phone calls from the 跨文化学生的成功 staff. 到2020年底,联系了2500多名学生. 这些电话本学期还在继续.

The University Libraries launched the planned DEI audit of the library and art collections. 已聘请实习生协助分析. 我们的目标是分析,000个标题和, 多亏了UCDEI的资助, 购买10美元,价值1000美元的新书要开始了. 在年度会议上提供了最新情况 评估会议 上个月. The project also will be the subject of a 研究 Tuesday presentation April 20.

除了UCDEI成员在上面列出的许多项目上工作, the committee also is working with the University Assessment Committee to develop a rubric to integrate DEI into the curriculum and is working with the General Education Committee to help evaluate and approve courses with DEI requirements. Faculty members from UCDEI and GE will work together on developing an assessment plan and exploring how to expand Diversity, 通用电气项目中的公平和包容.

与此同时, the UCDEI’s excellent work continues to be amplified on social media channels with the addition of @太平洋_dei 以及新的社交活动(# letsmovmonday和#WhatsInaWordWednesday)。. UCDEI also re-envisioned its social justice series by pivoting to a TEDx Talk-style presentation with small group discussions. 以及UCDEI领导董清文, Marshea Pratt and Christian Cardona recorded a session for this week’s National Association of Diverse Officers in Higher Education conference, “Promoting DEI—Concepts and Action Through Dialogues: A Case Study of the 正规博彩十大网站.”

I am so proud of our Pacific community and these many efforts to make our university a more inclusive and caring institution and one that becomes a national model for diversity, 公平与包容. 谢谢你所有的巨大努力. 请继续关注我们的VPDEI公告!

