

协会. 教授
房间101 b



MS, Operational 研究, Jilin University of Technology, China, 1987



我一直想成为一名教师. I remember playing games about teaching mini classes to my friends at my parents' house when I was young. 当我要对未来的职业生涯做出决定的时候, 我毫不犹豫地选择了去师范大学. Attending a Normal University was the very first step toward being a teacher.

Looking back at the teaching foot prints I have left on the road of teaching practice, I find my teaching philosophy consists of the following five principles.

I believe that the ultimate goal of teaching is to teach students how to learn independently and acquire the ability of how to think critically. 特别是, 作为一个数学老师, I believe that the essential purpose of learning mathematics is not only to master specific mathematical facts, 同时也培养了逻辑推理能力, 创造性思维能力, 分析解决问题, 以及将来可以应用的自学技能.

I believe that preparation is the key for every well-taught class. 有效地为一堂课做准备, a teacher (1) must have an understanding of the subject matter being taught as well as an understanding of the pedagogical theory; (2) stay current in the field, 参与研究和课堂活动, 会议, and/or mentoring that can improve knowledge in the subject matter; (3) be able to make good selections about what to teach, 如何组织和组织材料, and how to help students internalize the material through well designed exercises and/or projects. At the same time it is important to stay abreast of current theory and re搜索 in the field of teaching and pedagogy. 教师既要知道教什么,又要知道怎么教.

I believe that a learner-centered environment creates opportunities for students to be actively involved in the learning process. 在这样的环境下, I find students are willing to contribute their own ideas to the topics being discussed. 我自己, 作为一个促进者, constantly propose questions to guide students and encourage students' independent thinking. 来自学生的不同答案, 正确与否, 总是能产生精彩的讨论, 创造一个很好的学习机会, and often time lead to the topics I plan to discuss and deepen understanding of the material.

I believe that Technology has the power to transform teaching. I have found the great advantage of integrating technologies in teaching. 例如, 在大学代数和低级微积分课程中, 图形计算器是一个很好的工具. Students use the calculator daily to help with in-class exercises and homework. I used Excel in Business Mathematics to do simulations and solve projects based upon real business problems. I find that Minitab and Fathom work well in 统计数据 and Data Analysis classes. When students use these software packages to analyze data and explore the assumptions underlying a statistical procedure, interesting questions are often raised that lead to clarity of thinking and better understanding of statistical concepts. I also used Lingo and Maple to enhance the learning in an advanced linear algebra course.

I believe that a teacher must respect the diversity of students. 作为老师, 我们必须尊重目标, 需要, and individuality of each student and help students to do their best and to achieve their goals. Instructors nowadays face an enormously diversified student population: students with various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, 社会经济地位, 不同的学习风格和学术背景. 作为老师, I respect the differences among my students; integrate various teaching methods and techniques to create a stimulating learning atmosphere in my class; use various ways (numerically, 图形化, 用代数方法, 动手活动)使想法得到传达. I work to create an environment which supports interactive and independent learning opportunity for each student. Being an effective teacher in this highly diversified classroom means finding a way to challenge the strong students, while still provide a solid learning experience for others in the group. Thus I strive to write assignments such that they contain both challenging problems and basic checking-understanding questions. 除了, I find one-one communication with students after class and during office hours is extremely effective and serves the 需要 of students with different skill levels. I always encourage the use of my office hours and make myself available at other hours as well.

我教过各种各样的课程, 从大学代数开始, 有关微积分的知识, 微积分》, 向量微积分, and introductory statistics to upper division linear algebra, 概率, 抽象代数, 现代几何, 真正的分析. I have received excellent teaching evaluations all these years in both lower and upper-level courses. 作为对我奉献教学的回报, I was awarded the outstanding teaching assistant in Mathematics Department at the University of Arizona in spring 2000. I also received several prizes for excellence in teaching in China.

通过我二十多年的教学实践, I have found a great pleasure and self-fulfillment in teaching. When I stand in front of my students and look into their eager eyes, I am determined to do everything I can to help them achieve their dreams. I found students are more willing to challenge themselves and hence gain deeper understanding of the material when the teacher is more passionate and enthusiastic. As an old Chinese saying states: "teachers are engineers of human souls." My born enthusiasm for teaching is transmitted to my students like a wave, thus it encourages and stimulates them to be more involved in class activities and in active learning.

  • 谎言理论和表征理论
  • 统计数据
  • 线性代数
  • 数学金融学
  • 数学教育
  • 一般数学