Earn your teaching credential with a Minor in Education. 教学专业辅修课程使未来的教师能够超越学科的基础知识,通过课程作业和体验式学习来发展技能. 

  • 英语
  • 社会研究
  • 数学
  • 西班牙语
  • 艺术
  • 科学
    • 生物学
    • 化学
    • 物理 
    • 地球科学


EDUC 130: Technology Enhanced Learning Environments - 2 Units

本课程重点介绍创建多媒体项目的基本技能和软件, completing assignments in all education courses, and meeting the 状态’s technology standards for teachers. 本课程的所有作业都与构建候选人教师教育电子作品集的结构和第一部分有关. 之后, 考生在其学习计划的其他课程和活动中添加部分到作品集, which include evidence that they have met the 状态’s technology standards. 毕业后, the portfolios are archived in Benerd大学, 候选人可以将他们的全部作品集或他们想要使用的部分制作成DVD.


EDUC 140: Transformational Teaching & 学习- 4个单元

这是一门介绍性课程,探讨了当地社区内部和社区之间的复杂关系, 状态, and national levels of public 指令. 本课程介绍影响不同教育环境的历史、法律和社会问题. Topics include key movements and legal cases of prominence in American education; demographic information about learners and 学校s in California; home, 家庭, and 学校 partnerships; and professional stages in teaching careers (e.g., subject matter preparation, 教师教育, 最初的许可, 感应项目, and professional development). The course also includes an introduction to “reflective 实践”; an overview of stages in human development; prominent 学习 and 动机 theories; the characteristics of learners with exceptional needs; and individual differences among learners, which include 英语 language learners. This course is taken by 学生 interested in Multiple Subject, Single Subject and/or Educational Specialist credentials. It is a prerequisite to 入学 to Teacher Education, but it is open to all 学生 at the University. 实地工作需要指纹审查和当地地区的结核病审查. There are fees for these services.


EDUC 141: Transformational Teaching & Learning Practicum - 2 Units

这个有监督的实习与EDUC 140:转型教学和学习同时进行. Students examine the community, 学校, 课堂环境以及它们如何影响教学过程. 分析了当前学习理论在实践中的应用. 学生在公立学校与K - 12学生和老师互动.

EDUC 155: Teaching in the 内容区域 I - 3 Units

这是一个由三部分组成的课程的第一部分,旨在培养单科目证书候选人的专业能力, reflective 实践s and abilities for teaching in single subject classrooms, especially in secondary 学校s. Candidates learn and apply current 学习 theories to 规划, 指令, 和评估, focusing on the general 知识, 技能, and dispositions associated with managing contemporary, culturally diverse secondary classroom environments. 考生开始学习特定的主题内容和教学方法,以及各种教学和评估策略,以使所有学习者受益. The needs of all secondary 学校 学生, including 英语 Learners, 强调学校环境的特点,促进有效的教与学.


EDUC 167: Adolescent Development in School Contexts - 3 Units

本课程是为中学职前教师设计的,旨在帮助他们在背景下考虑青少年发展的原则. 生物, 认知, 心理, 社会, 以及道德发展,以确定这些发展途径如何影响学生的成就, 动机, 和幸福. The influence of 家庭, 同行, 学校, and the broader community on development are explored as well. 当前对青少年发展的理解对教学的影响, 学习, 和评估 are emphasized. In addition to class meetings, 学生参加实习是为了在学校环境中应用所学知识.


EDUC 154: Productive Learning Environment for Diverse Classrooms - 2 Units

核心课程概念和活动包括使用文化响应技术,有助于创造富有成效的学习环境和公平的学生成绩. 本课程的职前教师调查当前的学科和管理模式,并实践旨在促进积极课堂行为的基于研究的策略. Establishing and maintaining relationships with families, 学生, 同时也探讨了同事以及有助于教师福祉和自我保健的实践. 


EDUC 156:内容 & Disciplinary Literacy Development in Secondary 学校 - 3 Units

本课程介绍以研究为基础的内容素养教学. 这门课程的重点是准备候选人教授基于内容的阅读和写作技巧给各种各样的学生,包括阅读困难的学生, 学生 with special needs, 和英语学习者. A variety of content-based literacy strategies (reading, 写作, 听, and speaking) is presented to facilitate 学习 in the content areas. The course meets credential requirements.


EDUC 166: Teaching 英语 Learners - 3 Units

本课程旨在为主流课堂教师提供理论装备, 原则, 知识, 以及在K-12课堂上有效理解和教授不同英语水平的英语学习者的技能. 教师制定适当的策略和方法来提高语言能力,并将他们的实践与加州英语语言发展标准和新的共同核心州标准联系起来. 学生在他们的实地经验中观察和实施这些策略,以便看到, 实践, and reflect on effective ways to meet the needs of 英语 learners. The objective includes appropriate assessment, 规划, and implementation of sheltered content 指令. Fieldwork hours (160 series fieldwork) specific to this class are required. A grade of C or higher is required for passing this course.

EDUC 165: Teaching in the Content Area II - 2 Units

这是一个多课程系列的第二部分,为单科目证书候选人发展专业, reflective 实践s and abilities for teaching in single subject classrooms, especially in secondary 学校s. The emphasis in this course is on content-specific 实践s. 候选人加入各自的专业组织,并参与这些组织的专业发展经验. In addition to whole-class meetings, 候选人在内容特定的研讨会上与从业者定期在其内容领域会面.


EDUC 170: Professional Practice - Student Teaching - 8 Units

Professional 实践 is a full-day of Student Teaching in public 学校s. 单科和多科初级教师资格证书的考生被安排在当地公立学校,以集中应用他们的知识, 技能, and dispositions for professional 实践 in California 学校s. Student Teaching is full-day teaching for a semester, and undergraduates are approved for Student Teaching.


EDUC 172: Professional Practice Seminar - 4 Units

学生在sb2042证书的大型和小型小组设置中反思和整合定向教学经验. Topics include multicultural education, 虐待儿童, 学校的法律, interpreting standardized test scores, professional associations and negotiations, 学科计划, 课程计划, and conferencing 技能. This course may be taken concurrently with EDUC 170.


SPED 125X: Teaching Exceptional Learners - 2 Units

这门以方法为基础的课程是为在通识教育课堂上教残疾学生的候选人准备的, 它还包括针对特定学生需求的个性化技术和策略. 课程内容回顾了特殊教育法和全纳学校运动.

PacNoyce Scholars Program

Are you a STEM major looking to earn your teaching credential? Consider the PacNoyce Scholars Program!

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750 a year, for juniors and seniors or $20,000 for the final MA/teaching credential year.



Benerd大学 Education 项目