
主要: 音乐产业研究
小: 商业领导
家乡: 西雅图,华盛顿
实习: 麦克大道音乐集团

Brynnea麦吉尔 ’24 has a passion for the business side of the music industry. She is proud of her administration and project management skills which she developed as a music industry studies major at Pacific. Brynnea was able to use these skills during her internship at 麦克大道音乐集团 where she contributed to a Grammy-nominated project.


I was specifically looking for a music program with a business focus. I love music and I’ve enjoyed singing in a choir for a long time, but I only wanted to work in the business end of the industry.

After I toured my top choice schools, Pacific definitely was my favorite. I got to sit in on a Pac Ave Records meeting, and I really liked the environment. I knew that the program would be very suited for what I wanted to do.


You could be a music creator or be interested in business, 这个节目里有你的位置. 贝诺姆·普拉姆教授, 谁是项目主管, 为实习和动手项目创造更多的空间吗. You get to learn a little bit of everything and the basic concepts so that you can have your industry foundation. 但这与研究论文无关. 它是关于行业和实践经验的.

How did you get an internship with 麦克大道音乐集团?

The president of Mack Avenue serves on Pacific’s Music Industry Advisory Board, 我是在我们的第一次音乐商业会议上认识他的. 晚些时候, 当时他们在招聘市场营销实习生, 普拉姆教授帮助我与他们取得了联系. 经过面试,我得到了这份工作.

麦克大道是一家爵士唱片公司. Two other conservatory students had interned there before me, and one of them got a job with them right after graduation. Adam at Mack Avenue said that Pacific interns were some of the best ones t嘿've had. I just really appreciate our major setting us up for the real world.


暑假期间,我在西雅图的家中远程工作. 这主要是独立的工作, but I was in constant contact with them via [Microsoft] Teams and email. 

我的任务非常多样化. 他们问我擅长什么, and t嘿 looked at my resume where I listed all the things that I did when I took the Pac Ave Records class. T嘿 were able to work with me to adapt my internship to my skill set. 

I worked on updating and adding products into their Shopify page and Bandcamp. Luckily, I got a lot of experience with Bandcamp at Pac Ave Records. 也, 因为我擅长电子表格, I made them a brand-new calendar to keep track of the artist's birthdays and the album anniversaries, 例如. 我还用Linkfire做了很多预保存链接. It was work that the upper managers don't really have time to do. 当克里斯蒂安·麦克布莱德, 这位非常著名的爵士艺术家, 发了一个我做的链接, 这太令人满意了! It's such a small thing but it was awesome because I knew I helped them with their backend resources so that t嘿 can use them better.
在我暑期实习之后, Professor Plumb suggested that I should contact Mack Avenue because I was in the process of looking for a job. Now I’m working there essentially as a freelance employee and getting paid for my first real industry job.


麦克大道今年获得了三项格莱美提名. One of them was an album by the Yellowjackets for which I did very small things, 但仍, 嘿, 我接触到了这个过程. I helped create an Instagram for the Yellowjackets by finding which handle names were available and created a Linkfire for their music.


我得说,这完全取决于你的兴趣. People who want to be musicians or producers at a working studio might want to take more recording studio classes. 但对我来说, since I’m more into the administration and record label operations, 我最喜欢的亲身体验是在Pac Ave唱片公司. We actually got to go through the recording and album release process.

I think the thing that I’m proudest of is my work in Pac Ave Records because I was the head of the business affairs department and I got to lead a team. I did a lot of contract negotiation and worked on the finances. I was also working with a lot of spreadsheets and web pages, and that has been my continued interest.

This semester, I am in a new class, distribution and licensing. I get to collaborate with Pac Ave Records on releasing the classical recordings that were performed in the conservatory. We're making compilation albums of the recordings that other students in the conservatory were in.

What skills do you consider most important for your future career?

Project management is my main skill set along with some administrative skills, 然后是授权和唱片公司运营. I could apply these skills in many different fields in the music industry. It could be a record label, publishing company, or a television company that does music supervision. 它也可以是一家营销公司或公关公司. These are skill sets that I’ve picked up while studying at Pacific.

Is there anything else you would like to say to students interested in music industry studies?

Definitely take advantage of our annual Music Business Conference! 这不仅仅是针对太平洋地区的学生. 任何人都可以报名参加. There are panels and master classes with the top-level industry professionals such as SVP for Music Creative Services at Universal Studio Group and NBCUniversal Television Alicen Schneider in 2022 or Grammy-winning audio engineer Leslie Ann Jones in 2023. You’ll also get to meet Professor Plumb and Professor Smotherman who are both great resources to utilize, because t嘿 truly care about their students’ success and want to prepare us to be professionals in the industry rather than just passing a class.