Stockton campus library DEI audit shows challenges, opportunities

多样性的初步结果, equity and inclusion audit of the collection at the William Knox Holt 图书馆 and Learning Center on 正规博彩十大网站's 斯托克顿校区 were announced in a 周二研究报告 4月20日.

大学图书馆 staff and student interns are conducting the audit of the Stockton library, music scores and art collections with a goal to analyze DEI content for a representative sample of titles. 此次审计是对8月8日的一份报告的回应. 2020 social-justice call from President Christopher Callahan and initial goals from the library. 卡拉汉总统写道:

“大学图书馆 will conduct a diversity audit of its entire collection to determine gaps in representations of race, 性别, 性取向, ability and other traditionally marginalized perspectives. The goal is to diversify the collection to ensure that students, faculty and staff can access materials that reflect the diversity of experiences and perspectives of our communities.”

除了审计, the library purchased more than 100 DEI-related titles with a $10,由 University Committee for 多样性、公平和包容.

维罗妮卡井, professor and head of library re搜索 and learning services, said during the 研究 Tuesday session the audit will help the university “critically look at our collection and whose voices are represented and whose voices are oppressed or ignored entirely.”

Michele Gibney补充道, 出版和正规博彩十大网站排名支持负责人, “In order to rectify the diversity gaps in our collection, we had to first understand what they are … Having the data to back up our collection decisions moving forward will be invaluable.”

There are approximately 257,000 titles at the 斯托克顿校区 图书馆.

Gibney said the audit is a “representative sample” of the library’s collection with a total of 4,344种图书. Minus the music scores, the total print book collection being audited is 3,505 titles. As of April 20, a total of 2,379 print book titles had been audited – 68% of the goal. 图书馆 staff expects to have the primary audit concluded by May 5 and the music scores will be finished by the end of May. 


关于六个选定的主题, 审计着眼于1,000 total or 10% of title subjects (whichever was less), 使用基本的研究指南, 韦尔斯说,. 研究结果如下:

人文学科 – 68,604 = 1,000
社会科学 – 22,598 = 1,000
阀杆 – 11,789 = 1,000
音乐成绩 – 8,390 = 839
医学 – 3,435 = 344
教育 – 1,607 = 161.

First author or editor listed (性别 and ethnicity)

Primary authors and editors were overwhelmingly male and white. Among the 1,613 males, there were 1,455 white and 158 BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color). There were 283 total females with 234 white and 49 BIPOC.

One author/editor identified as trans性别 and the committee could not find 性别 and ethnicity information on 364 others.



The audit looked at the leadership of publishing houses for titles in the Stockton 图书馆 

Among 1,292 males, 1,185 were white and 107 BIPOC. Of the 521 females, 415 were white and 106 BIPOC. Photos could not be found for 232 president/CEOs.

Females (20%) were much more likely to be BIPOC than males (8%).


Only 2% of books were clearly identified as anti-racist while 98% did not. That could shift moving forward as there is more awareness about pledging to be anti-racist.


The audit found 78% of titles had images of people on the cover. Of those, 30% were non-male and 36% were non-white.

A student panel discussion followed the release of the results. Student interns were given large responsibilities and their feedback was valued during the audit process, 图书馆工作人员说.

“In previous internships and jobs I have always looked for elements of diversity, 公平和包容是工作的一部分,21岁的学生实习生安吉丽·多蒂说. “I got to work with (university curator) Lisa Cooperman on the art collection. 这份工作让我大开眼界.”

The audit of the art collection is approximately 30% complete.

Mickel巴黎, health sciences librarian and assistant professor of practice, said the audit benefited from the work and perspective of students.

“This was student-powered and will effect great change in the library moving forward,” Paris said.

University 图书馆 leadership and students expressed gratitude to the UCDEI for its grant of $10,000 to jumpstart library collection diversification. Collection development money specifically to buy DEI titles every year will be designated by library leadership to continue expanding the collection into the future.

Among the 100+ titles purchased with the UCDEI grant were:

  • “Intersectionality in Social Work” edited by Rachel Robbins and Suryia Nayak
  • 小安德烈·布洛克的《分布的黑人.
  • “Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in 教育” edited by Eve Tuck and K Wayne Vang 
  • 伊丽莎白·马歇尔的《图形少女圈》
  • “African Peacekeeping Training Centres” by Anne Flaspoler 
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